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Water Choices We Offer

We believe here at Eco H2O, that water should be plain and simple, the way it should be!
We only provide the best quality water to you.

Reverse Osmosis

Reverse Osmosis is a technology that is used to remove a large majority of contaminants from water by pushing the water under pressure through a semi-permeable membrane.



  • Improves taste, odor, and appearance of the water.


Oxygenated  Water

Water in a form of three atoms of oxygen bond together increasing oxygenation to improve cellular health. 


  • Increases oxygenation

  • Detoxifies your body

  • ​Recovery water

 Alkaline Mineral

Alkaline water is based on purify Reverse osmosis water infused with natural minerals such as: calcium, magnesium, potassium, and other trace minerals. Ph of the water is between 7.0 ~8.0


  • Improves hydration 

  • Healthiest way to get essentials minerals

  • Everyday good health

Glasses of Water

Ionized Water

Ionized Alkaline water with a pH of 8.5-9.5. Electrolytically-reduced, hydrogen-rich water works to restore your body to a more alkaline state, which is optimal for good health. In general, supports the wellness of your bodily organs. Usage: drinking, food preparation, coffee and tea, soups and stews, and watering plants


  • Improves hydration

  • Detoxification

  • General well-being

  • Micro-clustering (Structured) molecules

Energy Structured Water

A special dual or double helix vortex is induced into the water. This basic function is achieved seamlessly through the special flow form and is the reason rivers and streams in nature always alternate between left and right turns.  This form of treatment, which is known as ‘passive water treatment’, alters the organizational levels of the water’s molecules to a higher degree.


  • Hydration

  • Increased energy & oxygenation

  • Improves skin and hair

**We provide structured water without minerals for your convenience.

Water: Products
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